Thank you for posting this here and sending the files.
I took a look at both the gep and xls files you sent and there's an error in your transcription of the Sub-ET2 code into Excel. The original code in C++ is:
y = log(gepMax2(tanh(d[9]),(G2C1-((d[27]+(((d[24]+d[21])/2.0)*d[3]))/2.0))));
And your Excel code is:
But it should be (you missed the C7 when you introduced the AVERAGE function):
This code returns 7.376038623 both in Excel and in GeneXproTools and also in Excel VBA when you do Ensemble Deployment to Excel. So I'm guessing the R code is also correct.
gepModel <- function(d)
G1C7 <- 1.40720706472976
G2C1 <- -6.04296126895962
G3C4 <- 3.54960783715323
y <- 0.0
y <- gep3Rt(((d[3]+(atan(exp(G1C7))-log(d[17])))/2.0))
y <- y + log(max(tanh(d[10]),(G2C1-((d[28]+(((d[25]+d[22])/2.0)*d[4]))/2.0))))
y <- y + (d[2]*(atan(d[3])/G3C4))
return (y)
gep3Rt <- function(x)
return (if (x < 0.0) (-((-x) ^ (1.0/3.0))) else (x ^ (1.0/3.0)))
NumericTests <- function(name, dataPath, modelFunction)
print (paste("Starting ", name , "... "))
data <- read.table(dataPath, header=TRUE)
counter = 1
hasErrors = FALSE
for (index in 1:nrow(data))
row = data[index, ];
v <- as.vector(as.matrix(row))
result <- modelFunction(v)
expected <- tail(v, 1)
if (abs(result - expected) > 0.0000001)
print(paste("WRONG record " , counter, " = ", result))
hasErrors = TRUE
counter = counter +1
if (counter <= 1)
if (hasErrors)
print(paste(name , " finished with ERRORS."))
print(paste(name , " finished without errors."))
NumericTests("gepModel", "C:\\SupportTests.txt", gepModel)
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