Problem with data loading
  • Welcome,

    I have a problem with data loading. I have this newtyroid database with .dat files. GeneXproTools support .dat. When I loading a file, program writes "The file contains more than one type of separator. Please correct the file and try again" What should I do whith these data ?
  • Hello,

    The solution is to open the file in a text editor such as Notepad and removing the following lines from the top of the file:

    @relation newthyroid
    @attribute T3resin integer [65, 144]
    @attribute Thyroxin real [0.5, 25.3]
    @attribute Triiodothyronine real [0.2, 10.0]
    @attribute Thyroidstimulating real [0.1, 56.4]
    @attribute TSH_value real [-0.7, 56.3]
    @attribute Class {3, 2, 1}
    @inputs T3resin, Thyroxin, Triiodothyronine, Thyroidstimulating, TSH_value
    @outputs Class

    Leaving the remainder as it is.
  • Thank you for previous response. It's working. I have another dataset wpbc . I removed section that you mentioned and GeneXproTools show me this:
    The dataset has duplicated labels which are not supported. Please remove the duplicated variable from the dataset or change it's label.
  • Hello,

    I did the same with this new dataset and it worked. I wonder if you are leaving a blank line at the top?
  • I did the same It's working. I am not leaving blank line at the top. What version of GeneXproTools do you use ?
  • I am using GeneXproTools 5.0. If you send the file to support at I can try it myself.
  • I send you a massage with a data file. Thank you
  • The problem with this file is that it contains spaces in the header (d0 , d1, d2, etc) and the rest of the file is comma separated. If you remove all the spaces from the header then it loads correctly.
  • I do this and this time program says:
    The dataset must have at least two variables: the Response Variable at least one Predictor Variable
  • Did you also remove the commas? The header and the first few lines should look like this:


  • Ok, I resolved that problem. Thank you for message.

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