I have a problem with data loading. I have this http://sci2s.ugr.es/keel/dataset.php?cod=66 newtyroid database with .dat files. GeneXproTools support .dat. When I loading a file, program writes "The file contains more than one type of separator. Please correct the file and try again" What should I do whith these data ?
Thank you for previous response. It's working. I have another dataset wpbc http://sci2s.ugr.es/keel/dataset.php?cod=111 . I removed section that you mentioned and GeneXproTools show me this: The dataset has duplicated labels which are not supported. Please remove the duplicated variable from the dataset or change it's label.
The problem with this file is that it contains spaces in the header (d0 , d1, d2, etc) and the rest of the file is comma separated. If you remove all the spaces from the header then it loads correctly.