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Last update: February 19, 2014

Job Definition Intellisense in Visual Studio

GeneXproServer 5.0 includes a schema file for the job definitions that can be used to provide intellisense during the development of job files. The file in question (gxps5Schema.xsd) is under the installation folder of GeneXproServer in the folder schemas. To enable intellisense for job definition files in Visual Studio create a new xml file with the following skeleton:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <job filename="Run.gep" 

Then open the properties window (select the menu View, Properties Window or press the F4 key) and press the button in front of the schemas item.

Then press the add button, navigate to the folder c:\Program Files\GeneXproServer 50\schemas\ and select the file gxps5Schema.xsd.

This enables the intellisense for the job definition files:


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 Released February 19, 2014

 Last update: 5.0.5667




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