…C#, Excel VBA, Fortran, Go, Java, JavaScript, Matlab, Octave, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Visual …
that use the required "XOR(x,y)" encoding: Matlab and Octave (the R language is another odd ball, …
a function call. This means that we can use the Matlab Grammar for the Reed-Muller System as template to …
relieved when I realized that I could use the Matlab Grammar as template for the Reed-Muller System. …
several years ago for the Reed-Muller System in Matlab (I must have cursed Matlab then, but I don't …
…Creating the MATLAB code for the new 39 math functions of …
and then convert "Else", "ElseIf" and "End If" to MATLAB style, that is, "else", "elseif" and "end". …
both programming languages. And here it is, the MATLAB code for the new 39 math functions that were …
…go, the Octave code is very similar to the MATLAB code, so it makes sense to use the MATLAB Grammar …
…choice of template for the R Grammars. I used the Matlab Boolean Grammars as template for the new R …
languages supported by GeneXproTools, only Matlab, Octave, and R implement XOR as a function call). …
…C, C++, C#, Excel VBA, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Matlab, Octave, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Visual …
…function which in some languages (for example, in Matlab, Octave and R) is not implemented as a logical …